Saturday, 1 November 2014

Abuja connection beaded necklace and bracelet

Beaded necklace
Abuja connection beaded necklace
Hello everyone. I made this necklace sometimes back. I think it looks really cool and my extremely poor camera is doing so much injustice to the necklace. It is my own derivation of a pattern called Abuja connection beaded necklace(old pattern) in Nigeria. Some call the pattern story building necklace. I also made a bracelet and earring to match.

I got the tutorial from Nairaland forum before it was attacked. You can find the tutorial with pictures here. The site is not written in English but I think the pictures are clear and easy to follow. You can also translate if you are using chrome browser.

If you want to learn how to make the new Abuja connection beaded necklace or bracelet, then click here

Click here for tutorial on how to make the old abuja beaded earrings

And below is a video on how to make the old abuja connection beaded bracelet

Happy beading everyone:)

Sunday, 12 October 2014

My experience with

I decided I wanted to go into beaded jewelry making last year. However, it was very difficult to get the required materials where I live so I turned online to search for a place to order from.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Beading it is!

I did eventually settle down with bead works after trying to out crocheting for a while.
I basic problems I have with crocheting is that the yarn they sell here has very poor quality. They pile like there is no tomorrow lol. I will still crochet for myself when I feel like however.

For now, I have settled with beads. I discover some stores that sell tailoring materials also sell certain types of beads. I also bought some beads and findings from but was highly disappointed with what they sell. I will write about my experience with them in my upcoming post.